{{:ppdpt.jpg?nolink|}} **Post-Platform Digital Publishing Toolkit** is a project exploring how to overcome the limitations of digital publishing today, on social media or elsewhere online, and aims to advocate self-hosting methods for artists and artists' book publishers.\\ Project coordinators: İpek Burçak and Eren İleri\\ Advisor: Barış Gümüştaş\\ Graphic design: Fadi Houmani\\ This wiki is self-hosted by WGP.\\ PPDPT is funded by the Berlin Senate Department of Culture's Fund for Digital Development of the Cultural Sector. [[https://publishing.wellgedacht.com/|Well Gedacht Publishing]]\\ [[https://publishing.wellgedacht.com/pages/about/|Contact]] All content on this wiki is licensed under the [[http://www.wtfpl.net/about/|{{:wtfpl-badge-4.png|}}]].